For the selection of an engineering company with a view to carrying out an in-depth technical-economic and financial study (Bankable Feasibility Study) and so-called feed studies (Front End Engineering and Design) for the reconstruction of units destroyed during the 31st may 2019 fire incident, and the finalization of the “SONARA 2010” project.
May 4, 2023
N°018.23/ONIT/SONARA/CIPM/2023 OF THE 27th/04/2023
[From the 1st/07/2023 to the 30th/06/2026]
The General Manager of the National Refining Company (SONARA), Contracting Authority, launches an Open National Call for Tenders related to SONARA insurance program [from 1st/07/2023 to 30th/06/2026].
The purpose of this project is to select an insurer or a group of insurers under Cameroonian law to cover SONARA’s damage risks during the prescribed contractual period.
The maximum period provided by the Contracting Authority for the execution of the services associated with each of the four (04) lots of this call for tenders is thirty-six (36) months.
The services covered by this project consist of four (04) lots distributed as follows:
- Lot n°1: Property insurance;
- Lot n°. 2: Civil liability insurance;
- Lot n°3: Vehicle fleet insurance;
- Lot n°4: Transport risk insurance.
The overall estimated cost of the services over the thirty-six months, as recorded in the preliminary study support, is evaluated at the sum of CFAF 10.376.678.199 (ten billion, three hundred and seventy-six million, six hundred and seventy-eight thousand, one hundred and ninety-nine francs) all taxes included detailed by lot as below:
- Lot n°1: CFAF 5.351.962.345 (five billion three hundred and fifty-one million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand three hundred and forty-five francs);
- Lot n°2: CFAF 796.170.479 (seven hundred and ninety-six million one hundred and seventy thousand four hundred and seventy-nine francs);
- Lot n°3: CFAF 271.830.375 (two hundred and seventy-one million, eight hundred and thirty thousand, three hundred and seventy-five francs);
- Lot n°4: CFAF 3.956.715.000 (three billion, nine hundred and fifty-six million, seven hundred and fifteen thousand francs).
Participation in this call for tenders is open to Insurance Companies under Cameroonian law, established in Cameroon and fulfilling the conditions provided for by the regulations in force within the Member States of the Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA).
Services provided under this invitation to tender shall be financed by the SONARA budget.
Under penalty of rejection, each bidder must, for each of the lots to which he is tendering, attach to his administrative documents, a bid bond issued by a credit institution authorized by the Ministry in charge of finance to issue bonds in the domain of Public Contracts in Cameroon, and state in list of under file n°11 of the present Call For Tenders, for an amount of:
- Lot n°1: CFAF 89.760.375 (eighty-nine million, seven hundred and sixty thousand, three hundred and seventy-five francs);
- Lot n°2: CFAF 13.352.964 (thirteen million, three hundred and fifty-two thousand, nine hundred and sixty-four francs);
- Lot n°3: CFAF 4.559.000 (four million, five hundred and fifty-nine thousand francs);
- Lot n°4: CFAF 66.360.000 (sixty-six million, three hundred and sixty thousand francs),
and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original bid validity date.
The other required administrative documents must imperatively be produced in originals or in copies certified true by the issuing service or an administrative authority Prefect, Sub-prefect, etc., in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Regulations of the Call for Tenders.
They must necessarily date from less than three (03) months preceding the date of submission of tenders or have been drawn up after the date of signature of the Notice of Call for Tenders.
As soon as this notice is published, the file may be consulted during working hours at SONARA P.O. Box 365 Limbé (General Management / Contracts Division).
Once the tender notice is made known, tender documents can be obtained at the Contracts Division of the National Refining Company Ltd – P.O. Box 365 Limbé, upon presentation of a receipt of payment of a non-refundable amount of CFAF 1.000.000 (one million francs) at BICEC, using the following references:
Account / 335 98800001 89
Special customer account CAS – ARMP
Remitter: Name of bidder/SONARA/ITT n°018.23
N.B: Each lot constitutes a separate offer. In the case a bidder subscribes for more than one lot, the main lot will contain the original administrative documents and the other lots will contain copies thereof; however, each lot must contain the original of the corresponding bid bond.
Bids written in French or in English, will be drawn up in six (6) copies, including one (1) original and five (5) copies respectively marked as such. All must be sent to the Contracts Department of the National Refining Company (SONARA) B.P. 365 Limbe – Cameroon, Tel: (+237) or / Fax: (+237) or 233.33. 10.35 p.m., against discharge in the dedicated register no later than 24th/05/2023 at 10:00 a.m., local time and must bear the following mention:
CALL FOR TENDERS N°018.23/ONIT/SONARA/CIPM/2023 OF 27th/04/2023
[From the 1st/07/2023 to the 30th/06/2026]
Lot n°……..: ……………………………. …………….
‘’To be opened during the tender session only”
Under pain of rejection, the other administrative documents required must either be original, or the true copies certified by the issuing service or an administrative authority, in accordance with the stipulations of the special rules and regulations of the invitation to tender.
They must obligatorily be dated less than three (03) months preceding the date of submission of the tender, or must have been signed after the date of signing of the invitation to tender.
Any incomplete bid which does not conform to the prescriptions of this invitation to tender shall be declared inadmissible. Such as the absence of a bid bond issued by a first class bank registered by the Ministry in charge of finance.
The opening of tenders shall be done on two phases; the opening of administrative and technical documents will take place on phase one and shall be followed by that of financial proposals of bidders having obtained the required minimum technical score:
- The opening of administrative documents and technical proposals shall take place on the 24th/05/2023 at 10:30 am in the SONARA restaurant in Limbé, and would be done by the SONARA Internal Tenders Board (CIPM); only bidders or their duly mandated representative having full knowledge of the file can attend the tenders opening session.
- The opening of financial bids will take place at the end of technical analysis and will solely concern bidders who would have obtained a minimum score of 80 points out of a total of 100.
The selection criteria for tenderers are broken down as follows per lot:
14.1. Lot n°1: Property insurance
14.1(a)Essential Criteria
The examination of the essential criteria will consist of a verification of the conformity of the tenderer’s offer with the requirements of the Terms of Reference (ToR) and this, in accordance with the stipulations of the RPAO. The points to be checked will relate to:
(1) General presentation of the offer .……….………………… 03 points
(2) General references of the insurer or group of insurers / Seniority..06 points
(3) Specific references of the insurer or group of insurers in property damage risks over the last three (03) financial years (2019, 2020, 2021) …………..…………..15 points
(4) Detailed description of the guarantees offered..…………13 points
(5) Modality of implementation of the guarantee ……………08 points
(6) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in the coverage of regulated commitments (Cer) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021) …..20 points
(7) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in coverage of the solvency margin (Cms) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021) …………….. 15 points
(8) Claims settlement rate over the last five financial years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)…10 points
(9) Reinsurance treaties of the insurer or group of insurers in the property damage branch … 10 points
TOTAL ……………………………………………………………………………………………..100 points
14.1(b)Eliminatory Criteria
- Incomplete administrative file ;
- Lack of valid approval (attach approval issued by the Ministry of Finance);
- The Insurer or one of the insurers of the Group of Insurers is under CIMA sanction at the time of submission (attach proof of absence of sanction);
- Being in litigation with SONARA;
- Lack of a certificate of satisfaction issued by SONARA;
- Being under sanction at the time of submission;
- Not having obtained at least 80 points out of 100 after adding the scores for the essential criteria ;
- Financial offer less than 95% of the estimated budget.
14.2. Lot n°2: Civil liability insurance
14.2(a)Essential Criteria
The examination of the essential criteria will consist of a verification of the conformity of the tenderer’s offer with the requirements of the Terms of Reference (ToR) and this, in accordance with the stipulations of the RPAO. The points to be checked will relate to:
(1) General presentation of the offer .……….……..…………….03 points
(2) General references of the insurer or group of insurers / Seniority…..06 points
(3) Specific references of the insurer or group of insurers in civil liability risks over the last three (03) financial years closed (2019, 2020, 2021)……………..………..…..15 points
(4) Detailed description of the guarantees offered ………..…13 points
(5) Methods of implementation of the guarantee ….…………08 points
(6) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in the coverage of regulated commitments (Cer) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021)…… 20 points
(7) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in coverage of the solvency margin (Cms) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021)………….…….15 points
(8) Claims settlement rate over the last five financial years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)….10 points
(9) Reinsurance treaties of the insurer or group of insurers in the civil liability branch …………10 points
TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………………..……100 points
14.2(b) Eliminatory Criteria
- Incomplete administrative file ;
- Lack of valid approval (attach approval issued by the Ministry of Finance);
- The Insurer or one of the insurers of the Group of Insurers is under CIMA sanction at the time of submission (attach proof of absence of sanction);
- Being in litigation with SONARA;
- Lack of a certificate of satisfaction issued by SONARA;
- Being under sanction at the time of submission;
- Not having obtained at least 80 points out of 100 after adding the scores for the essential criteria ;
- Financial offer less than 95% of the estimated budget.
14.3. Lot n°3: Vehicle fleet insurance
14.3(a)Essential Criteria
The examination of the essential criteria will consist of a verification of the conformity of the tenderer’s offer with the requirements of the Terms of Reference (ToR) and this, in accordance with the stipulations of the RPAO. The points to be checked will relate to:
(1) General presentation of the offer .……….………..03 points
(2) Bidder’s General References / Seniority…………..06 points
(3) Specific references of the tenderer in automotive risks over the last three (03) closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021)………………………………..…..……15 points
(4) Detailed description of the guarantees offered….13 points
(5) Methods of implementation of the guarantee …..08 points
(6) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in the coverage of regulated commitments (Cer) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021)……..……………..…………………20 points
(7) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in coverage of the solvency margin (Cms) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021)…………………….………….…….………….. 15 points
(8) Claims settlement rate over the last five financial years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)……10 points
(9) Reinsurance treaties of the insurer or group of insurers in the automobile branch ..…………10 points
TOTAL ……………………………………………………………………………………………….100 points
14.3(b)Eliminatory Criteria
- Incomplete administrative file ;
- Being in litigation with SONARA
- Lack of valid approval (attach approval issued by the Ministry of Finance);
- The Insurer or one of the insurers of the Group of Insurers is under CIMA sanction at the time of submission (attach proof of absence of sanction);
- Lack of a certificate of satisfaction issued by SONARA;
- Being under sanction at the time of submission;
- Not having obtained at least 80 points out of 100 after adding the scores for the essential criteria ;
- Financial offer less than 95% of the estimated budget.
14.4. Lot n°4: Transport insurance
14.4(a)Essential Criteria
The examination of the essential criteria will consist of a verification of the conformity of the tenderer’s offer with the requirements of the Terms of Reference (ToR) and this, in accordance with the stipulations of the RPAO. The points to be checked will relate to:
(1) General presentation of the offer .……….…………………………03 points
(2) General references of the insurer or the group of insurers / Seniority…….06 points
(3) Specific references of the insurer or group of insurers in transport risks over the last three financial years closed (2019, 2020, 2021)…………………….…………………..15 points
(4) Detailed description of the guarantees offered ……….……..…13 points
(5) Methods of implementation of the guarantee ……………..……08 points
(6) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in the coverage of regulated commitments (cer) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021)……………….20 points
(7) Average rate of the insurer or group of insurers in coverage of the solvency margin (Cms) over the last three closed financial years (2019, 2020, 2021)…..…………..……. 15 points
(8) Claims settlement rate over the last five financial years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)….…10 points
(9) Reinsurance treaties of the insurer or group of insurers in the transport branch ……..……….10 points
TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………………………..100 points
14.4(b) Eliminatory Criteria
- Incomplete administrative file;
- Lack of valid approval (attach approval issued by the Ministry of Finance);
- The Insurer or one of the insurers of the Group of Insurers is under CIMA sanction at the time of submission (attach proof of absence of sanction);
- Being in litigation with SONARA;
- Lack of a certificate of satisfaction issued by SONARA;
- Being under sanction at the time of submission;
- Not having obtained at least 80 points out of 100 after adding the scores for the essential criteria ;
- Financial offer less than 95% of the estimated budget.
The service provider shall be selected through the Quality and Price postulate.
The contract shall be awarded to the company technical and financial proposals put together will be assessed as the most cost-effective bid based on the formula GN = 0,8TN+0,2FN outlined in the tender file.
Bidders shall be bound by their offers for a period of three (03) months with effect from the deadline of submission of the tender documents.
Further technical information may be obtained during working hours from Contracts Division of the National Refining Company Ltd, P.O. Box. 365 Limbe – Cameroon, Tel: (+237)233 42 3815 or 233 33 22 38 / Fax: (+237)233 42 41 99 or 233 33 22 35.
Done in Limbé, on the 27th/04/2023
The Project owner